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Voter Information | Jefferson County, KS

When is the next election?

Primary Election – August 3, 2021 
General Election – November 2, 2021 

What is on the ballot?

     City Officials
     School Board Members
     Drainage District Directors
     Improvement District Directors
     Meadowlark Extension District #7 Directors

Where do I vote? 

   View a list of Polling places located throughout the County. You vote at the polling place that is generally closest to your residence. Your polling place is determined at the time you register to vote. All are open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm on election day and are accessible to voters with disabilities. You should expect to have to wait if you vote during busy times. Typically the busy times are from 7:00 am to 8:00 am and 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. If you are not sure what voting precinct you are in you can visit the Vote KS Website to check.

How Do I Register to Vote?

You can register to vote by completing the Kansas Secretary of State’s website application form and mailing it to the County Clerk’s office or online from the Kansas Secretary of State’s website.

You can check to see if you’re currently registered by visiting the Vote KS website.

How can I get an Advance (Absentee) ballot?

If you can’t vote in person on election day, you can request an advance/absentee ballot. Ballots can be mailed starting 20 days before the elections. Click on this link to access a form, fill out the application form, sign it, and return to the County Clerk’s office. An advance ballot will be mailed to you, (or you can vote the advance ballot in the Clerk’s office). If by mail, you must return the advance ballot to the Clerk’s Office by 7:00 pm on Election Day.

Mail: P.O. Box 321, Oskaloosa, KS 66066
Fax: (785) 403-0613
Or email it to the Jefferson County Clerk

Advance Ballot by Mail Cancellation Form